I was going to try to do a practice case tonight -- I have two that I need to do before my exam training session on Sunday, and I'm not going to have any time to do them between Wednesday and Saturday -- but I just couldn't muster up the energy to do so. I started reading the first case, but nothing was sinking in and I ended up going to sleep at 11pm. Now it's 1:30am and I'm awake again and actually considering looking at some other stuff for work, because my audit teammate is counting on me to help out with this and we need to know what we're doing before we discuss this with our manager tomorrow morning at some point. I tried looking at my case again once I woke up but I think they'll just have to wait and I'll have to do them both on Sunday morning if I can.
On the one hand, I should get back to sleep, but on the other hand... well, let's see if I can read a bit of this accounting guideline now and actually retain the information, so at least I won't have as much to read in the morning...
I'm sorry, readers; this isn't the most interesting post at all, really. I guess I'll have to regale you with more exciting tales once the next week or so is over.
Labels: work